Ambient | Experimental | Sound Art
Nacho Roman (Valladolid, 1976)
His artistic activity is developed in the field of sound art, experimental electronics, field recordings and ambient music. His sound is centred on the sound palette created through the union of organic and synthetic elements, and the mix between analogue and digital material. His work is linked to the creative processes in the plastic arts and the connection with sound art, as well as the study of the concept of time and silence and its translation into sound and experimental music.
He is a founding member of the Néxodos Contemporary Art Collective, where he coordinates the experimental music label Vestíbulo, from which he has published seven references to date.
His music has been featured on specialized programs on RNE3 (Fluido Rosa, Atmósfera, Resonancias), Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid, Juan March Foundation, Audiotalaia or international radio stations such as KEXP.
In 2021 he has been awarded the International Award " Radical dB " for experimental and risky music, in the city of Zaragoza.
In 2024, he held his first solo exhibition titled "Silere, Tacere" at the Patio Herreriano Museum of Contemporary Art.
2024 - Campo de Escucha (with Bettina Geisselmann
San Román de Candamo. IV Bienal Néxodos
2024 - Silere, Tacere
Patio Herreriano Museum of Contemporary Spanish Art. Valladolid.
2024 - Suite#1
Lutheria Pablo Sanz. Valladolid
2023 - Hyper_urban tension
TedXValladolid Salón. Valladolid
2023 - Fuera de lugar
Sala de exposiciones Las Francesas. Valladolid
2022 - A Natural Walk.
Ribera del Río Pisuerga. Valladolid
2022 - Caligrafías
San Román de Candamo, Asturias. III Encuentro Néxodos
2022 - Microescuchas. Campos electromagnéticos
Studio Hijo. Valladolid
2021 – Luz
Patio Herreriano Museum of Contemporary Spanish Art. Valladolid.
2021 - Re_hacer - Contemporary creation and pottery.
"The Potter's Workshop". Portillo, Valladolid.
2020 - Secuencias
Fundación Cerezales Antonino y Cinia (FCAYC), Cerezales del Condado, León.
2017 - Nexodo infinito
San Roman de Candamo, Asturias.
2017 - Infinito
Cerro Gallinero Art and Nature Center. Hoyocasero, Avila.
2014 - Enneagram
Herrerian Courtyard. Museum of Contemporary Spanish Art. Valladolid.
Gris Tierra (2021, El Muelle)
Alouette (2019, Vestíbulo)
Infinito (2017, Seattle Dott)
La Frecuencia Plástica (2016, Sonospace)
Sick System (2015, 7MNS)
The gift (2014, 7MNS)
After all… (2013, Etched Traumas)
The Synesthesic Project (2012, Petroglyph Music)